Summertime revolves around things like grilling, fireworks, camping, and lazy afternoons in the hot sun. Also, it can mean burns from grills and fireworks, plus bug bites!
Let’s focus on barbecuing… There is nothing better than burgers and hotdogs right off the grill right? Well, grills are more dangerous than you might think. According to Consumer Reports, over 5,000 people went to the emergency room in 2018 due to grill related injuries.
Here are a few tips that could help keep YOU out of the Emergency Room:
- Never grill in an enclosed area. Keep your grill in an open area.
- If cooking with charcoal, never spray the grill with lighter fluid after the fire is lit. Flames can follow the fluid back to the container in your hand.
- Keep the grease pan empty. Grease catches on fire and can cause flare-ups.
Since summer is here, mosquitoes, ticks, horseflies, bees, and wasps are out in full force… AND don’t underestimate the little bugs; according to MSNBC, over 500,000 people end up in emergency rooms each year with potentially fatal allergic reactions.
How can you have fun outside without getting eaten alive?
- Think bug spray. If you’re uncomfortable with the chemicals used in traditional bug spray, there are several organic brands with natural ingredients.
- MSNBC suggests spreading a 3 foot layer of wood chips between your yard and the woods. Ticks normally won’t cross the chips and will stay out of your yard.
- Be sure there is no standing water in your yard (including gutters). Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
And finally, fireworks! Who doesn’t love fireworks? They may be fun but they are dangerous.
According to the Center of Disease Control, 2018 saw over 12,900 people in the emergency room over firework related injuries. There were 8 deaths.
Fireworks are a great addition to any celebration, but it’s vital that you use them safely.
Here are a few tips you can use:
- The CDC Reports that more injuries occur with sparklers than rockets. Surprised? I sure was. Watch children carefully when they are using sparklers and never light or combine more than one at a time.
- Never try to re-light a firework that doesn’t go off. It is recommended that you wait 20 minutes, then soak it in a bucket of water.
- Always have a fire extinguisher or bucket of water close by in case of emergency.
With all the exciting things that we can do during the summer months, it’s no surprise that accidents increase, but all it takes is a little prevention to dramatically lower our risk.