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Spring into Daylight Saving Time!

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 14th at 2 AM. Since it’s almost Spring, it will soon be time to “spring forward”.

Springing forward and falling back may seem simple enough, but daylight saving’s history has actually been quite complex – and misconceptions about it persist today.

Let’s explore some interesting facts about Daylight Saving Time:

  • It’s “daylight saving time,” not “daylight savings time.”
  • Englishman William Willett led the first campaign to implement daylight savings time.
  • Germany was the first country to enact daylight saving time.
  • Daylight saving time in the United States was not intended to benefit farmers, as many people think.
  • Not everyone in the United States springs forward and falls back. (Hawaii and Arizona)

Also, use this time to take care of important tasks around your home:

  • Change the batteries in your smoke detectors
  • Flip your mattress
  • Wash your pillows
  • Take stock of your medicine cabinet and pantry
  • Clean your fridge’s coils
  • Vacuum out your dryer’s vent and ducts
  • Replace or clean filters around your house
  • Clean the oven
  • Check your emergency kit


Published with permission from BGI Systems. Source.