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Protecting Yourself Online

Recently I received an article about creating strong passwords. I felt with how important this information is that I wanted to share it with you to make sure that you are doing your part to stop your accounts from being hacked with better passwords.

Here are a few tips to create strong passwords:

  1. Make them long because with new algorithms and even computer programs built for cracking your password, the shorter the password, the shorter amount it takes to crack.
  2. Do NOT use personal information such as your pet’s names, anniversaries, children’s birthdays, phone numbers, addresses or any other personal information.
  3. Do NOT use real words as this also shortens the time it takes to crack it. An example of something you can use instead of a real word is 3l3ph@nt – it looks like a real word but isn’t ☺
  4. Include numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters. The more variety included in your password, harder it is to crack
  5. Do NOT reuse passwords for different sites. In the last few years we have heard of many sites, even Yahoo, being hacked. Once a cyber thief has a password they will attempt to use it on other sites to access more of your information.
  6. Change your passwords regularly. I know it is a pain to constantly have to remember new passwords for all of your different sites but it is very important to update them often to protect your sensitive information.


Published with permission from BGI Systems. Source.