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Make Time to Donate!

Since 1970, January has been known as National Blood Donor Month. During this month many organizations which host blood donations like the American Red Cross encourage others to make time to donate blood and join the nearly 11 million people who give blood each year.

I have given blood in the past, and while, no, it’s not the most fun way to spend an hour, it’s a great way to give back that doesn’t cost anything and is actually beneficial.

(Did you know?…doctors recommend giving blood regularly because doing so is known to decrease risk of cardiovascular events, as well as helping with early detection of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.) 

January is a challenging time for blood donation because of weather and busy post-holiday schedules can make it difficult for blood donors to keep appointments.

Regardless of the time of year, hospital patients nationwide need about 44,000 blood donations daily for cancer care, surgeries, and the treatment of serious diseases and trauma.

Donating blood is an easy, free, great way to make a lifetime of difference in just a little more than an hour’s worth of your time.

For more information about donating blood or to find a donation center in our community, go to


Published with permission from BGI Systems. Source.