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June Is National Safety Month

Every June, the National Safety Council encourages organizations to get involved and recognize June as National Safety Month, an annual observance to educate and influence behaviors around the leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. The focus of National Safety Month is that small changes can make a big difference to your health and wellness.

Keeping National Safety Month in mind, June also means that the summer season is here, bringing with it many other seasonal risks that we should be aware of.

Here are a few summer safety tips:

BBQ Safety – Grilling up burgers and hot dogs is a summer staple; but, if not properly maintained, a grill can pose a risk to your family.

  • Check gas hoses and couplings for leaks before using it for the first BBQ. An easy way to check for leaks is to apply a soapy water solution to the couplings and look for bubbles forming.
  • Always clean your grill after using it. This will remove buildup and grease which can cause flare-ups during cooking.
  • Charcoal should be left to cool completely and then disposed of properly.

Bonfires & Fire Pits – Warm summer evenings are great for family or small gatherings (depending on the COVID-19 Restrictions) around a campfire or even a fire pit in the backyard. Safety should always come first when dealing with fire.

  • Make sure your fire pit or any open fire is located at least 10 feet away from your home or any other flammable structure.
  • Kids should be kept at least 3 feet from the fire and constantly supervised whenever there is a fire burning. Walking away for even a few minutes can have serious consequences.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water nearby in case the fire gets out of control.
  • When the night is over, douse the fire and ashes with water and make sure it is completely out before you go inside.

Home Security – Family vacations are a fun part of the summer, but coming back to a break-in can be devastating. Keep burglars out with these tips:

  • Do not announce your plans on social networks.
  • Give a key to a neighbor — never hide it outside your home.
  • Install and use outdoor lighting.
  • Install a security system — it could make you eligible for discount on your homeowners insurance.
  • Have a neighbor collect your newspaper.
  • Use light timers to make it seem like you are home.
  • Ask a neighbor to park their car in your driveway at night.

For more information about staying safe and National Safety Month, visit the National Safety Council’s website at


Published with permission from BGI Systems. Source.