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Don’t Get Blown Away!

With springtime in full swing, there’s no doubt that spring weather brings storms and the unfortunate flood that can wreak havoc on your home. Now is the time to be thinking about your current coverage. Even if a hurricane or flood will never hit close to home, here are a few tips to make sure that you’ve got all the bases covered, just in case the unthinkable happens:

  • Take a property inventory: It’s easier to file a damage claim if you know exactly what you own and can document it. Write down a list of major possessions in a notebook, and take photos, noting key information about each item on the back.
  • Check policies: Read your insurance documents and review the scope of your existing coverage. Know your policy numbers, and where to call to file a claim. Call our office with any questions.

After the storm –

  • Water inside? You need flood insurance: Don’t expect flood-related damage from a hurricane to be covered unless you have flood insurance. Standard homeowners and renters policies cover damage from wind, including hurricane wind damage, and any wind-driven rain entering a home from the sky. But damage from water on the ground, or water seeping into a basement from below, isn’t covered unless a homeowner has a flood insurance policy.
  • Water in your car? You need comprehensive auto: If your car is damaged by flood waters from a hurricane or other disaster, you’ll be covered if you’ve purchased a comprehensive auto insurance policy. If you only have liability coverage, flood damage to a car won’t be covered.
  • Tree damage? Standard homeowners policies cover damage to a house from a fallen tree, and tree damage to garages, sheds, fences and outdoor pools. Comprehensive auto insurance will cover damage to a car.

Call our office TODAY to make sure that your policy is up to date and that you are fully covered!


Published with permission from BGI Systems. Source.