January Fun Facts
To kick off January and the new year, here are a few lesser-known fun facts: Apart from leap years, January always begins on the same day as October. In leap years, January always begins on the same day as April and July. January is the only month when the North Pole is on average colder […]
Start 2022 the Right Way
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to start focusing on our goals for the upcoming year. Don’t let yourself make one of the most common mistakes made each New Year—waiting too late to start planning. If you have goals, whether you have goals you want to meet in your personal or business life, […]
What Are Your Goals in 2022?
It’s getting toward the end of the year now, and that means we are looking forward to the next. Christmas and New Year are always some of my favorite times of the year because they signify new opportunities around every corner. No matter what happened over the past twelve months, we have a chance now […]
What is Your Family’s Holiday Tradition? Start One This Year
If the hustle and bustle of the holidays has you feeling more frantic than festive, consider starting a new family tradition this year. My family loves having holiday traditions and looks forward to them each year. Having something to look forward to can help you feel more grounded during this busy time of year–plus, the […]
Recipe of the Month: Candy Cane Fudge
Santa is coming early this year! Here’s an early present — a simple, tasty recipe for peppermint fudge that can’t be beat! It’s the perfect treat for the holidays! Ingredients 2 (10 ounce) packages of vanilla baking chips 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract 1 1/2 cups crushed candy canes […]
Holiday Safety Tips
As we hear the song saying “it’s the most wonderful time of the year”, remember that it is also the most vulnerable time of the year. The holiday season is the peak time for ID theft and burglary. To help you stay protected, here are a few holiday shopping safety tips: Try to shop during […]
December and Holiday Season Fun Facts
Are you ready for the Winter Holidays? Let’s kick this month off with a few fun facts. The date of the Winter Solstice varies between December 20th and the 23rd. The 21st and 22nd are the most common dates. On December 16th, 1965 the song, “Jingle Bells” was the first song ever played in […]
Thanksgiving Fun Facts
From everyone here at the agency, we want to wish you are yours a Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you are able to safely celebrate this holiday with your family and friends. To kick off the Thanksgiving activities, here are some Thanksgiving Fun Facts. The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade tradition began in the 1920s. Abraham […]
Watch Out For Deer!
Did you know? We are in the middle of deer migration and mating season which generally runs from October through December. Every Fall there is a dramatic increase in the movement of the deer population. As a result, more deer-vehicle collisions occur in this period than at any other time of year. Drivers need to […]
Thank You To Our Veterans
It’s time, tomorrow, to celebrate all of the heroic people that have served our country on Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11th. If you know a Veteran, take this time to personally thank them for their service and all of the sacrifices they have made. It is important to remember the difference between Veterans Day and […]